Monday, July 26, 2010

Cliff Notes verson of the past couple of months

I realized that after things start to build, after I have not written down so many incredible stories, it makes it overwhelming to try and go back and recreate it all. So at least for now I decided just to give a short version of things to bring us up to speed! The events of the last few months are almost a blur now, because of all that has gone on, but I am going to try!

Greg, our English teacher for the second part of the year had to go back to the states, so I was back teaching again for a little bit. Hated to see Greg go, but did like getting to be more with the kids again. ( I had stopped teaching and was doing more of the admin. and nursing, and malnutrition program, and just whatever)

Then my sister came!!! And the Lord's timing was perfect, because we worked together on things that could not have happened if she had not been there!! On top of the fact that just spending time with Casey makes my heart so happy!

The parents, Casey, the teachers, and myself all gathered together where the new school is being built to pray over this place and for the children and for the life-changing events we believe will happen here. It was so incredible to sing and pray with them, and to get excited about what God is doing

With the help of some incredible people we pulled off an honors day for the kids with only one day of preparation!! I wish everyone could have seen the pride in the children's faces as they accepted their awards. And then the parents as they talked about how their children have learned and grown over the past year!

Awesome VBS with awesome people and teacher interviews all at the same time!

An unnamed group of individuals performed an overt/covert rescue mission that is ongoing even today.


Visit home to see friends and family, strange to be back but wonderful to see the people I have been missing. Sadly I didn't get to see everyone, but had an incredible time with the ones I did. Thank you all for being so incredible!!

Headed back, great road trip to Jacksonville to get on the plane. Filled with daddyisms and mellow mushroom! I love my family!

Landed in Haiti, back to continue to fight the fight for Youvendjy, please Lord give us wisdom.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Unfinished blog-- Where your money is going

I found a blog the other day that I had written down on paper but never made it to the computer, so much has been going on since then but I wanted to make sure I put this one down first, because many times I know I don't let everyone know what all is going on around here!

Where your money is going

For those of you who have contributed to the things going on here or who are going to contribute, or are even thinking about it, I realized at midnight tonight that you deserve to know what you are accomplishing through your gifts and the blessings they are providing. Mamas are getting medicine for their sick babies who otherwise couldn't. Two young ladies- who work hard for the Lord don't have to stop going to school because their families can't afford it. They are 12 and 14 and in the 4th grade. When their money runs out, they are sent home from school, and they just have to hope they can start over again the next year. Ashline's Mama now has accountability so where she won't throw objects at her 4 year old's head. 20 children receive breakfast everyday, which makes learning much easier when you don't have to fight the hunger in your stomach. Children who previously had no chance for education are learning with the use of four different languages. A young man doesn't have to stop halfway through his ninth grade for lack of funds. Young boys and girls are getting chances to work to help provide for their families. At the same time promoting pride in their community by cleaning up the area where they live. When a man steps on a nail, working hard for the Lord, you make it possible for him to get the tetanus shot he never would have gotten otherwise. A family of 6 isn't thrown out of their home because they can't pay rent. Three children left home alone when their Mom had gone who knows where, can get food and have support. What you do changes the world. It changes Mirmonde's world, and Hobenson, and Lovemita, and hundreds of hearts that you may never get to see, and it shines God's love to a very dark area. Thank you for what you have done for these people. And thank you for what you have done for me. I hope you all know how much I love and appreciate you.