Saturday, January 30, 2010

the other side

It is very strange being on the other end of need. I have been pretty disconnected from my family and friends in the states since I have been here. So I looked forward to the airport trip where they said I would have internet access to let everyone know what is going on. Granted this is almost non-comparable because this is so trivial compared to food and water, but being on the asking side- having to endure being turned down by people that have the resources to share with me what I need, but unwilling to do so-- whether for legitimate reasons or not, is a painful thing. So here I am, sitting here, unable to do the very thing I came to this airport for, trying not to resent the people who will not give me the security code so I can send word to my family. It brings a whole new revelation to me about the people I have to turn away because I don’t have something or I don’t know if it should go to them. Whether their needs are legitimate or not, what that must feel like to have that rejection, and what that says to them about the Jesus I represent. I don’t know exactly what to do with that information, but there is probably something to it.

Haiti update

Sorry for the non comm but I just don’t have access. I made it to Port on Wednesday I think it was, my days are running together. I gave a three year old my watch so I’m not keeping up so well! Since then I have been helping with clinics every day with Dr. Karen and her wonderful team. We have also walked through tent cities and the ravine giving care. Yesterday we went to pastor Cena’s area and treated people there. I picked pieces of block out of wounds that happened the day of the first earthquake. There are still countless people that have not been treated at all for the injuries they received. Others have received some care- but not to the extent they needed- a bandaid for a fracture, no antibiotics for a man with his skull showing, the needs are so great and the resources so few. But still God is showing His glory. He is bringing renewal to this place. The very foundations have been shaken but He is moving in this place.
Honestly I am almost afraid to write. Which is weird because I’m not afraid of an earthquake, I am not afraid of gunshots or getting in the middle of people’s panic, but I am afraid to write and process this. There is so much hurt, and so much pain, and even in the middle of it I feel that I am forcing myself to keep my heart at a safe distance. Every now and then something, or someone pierces through but for the most part I am afraid to let myself really feel all that is here because I am afraid that I can’t bear it. Maybe this is the way God is protecting me, or maybe it is wrong that I am so shut off. But what I do know is that I am blessed to be here and be a part of the amazing things that are happening here now.

When I was in Bohoc a blanc chased a man down the road to bring him back to show me the tiny baby in his arms. His name is Judson and he is eleven months old. But he also weighed eleven pounds. They brought him because he had a cough and was looking worse and worse. I tried to get information from the man but it turned out he was the grandfather and he had just received his daughter and this baby from Port au Prince into his home. She had been injured in the earthquake but the baby had not, so we went to her house to find out more about Judson. This little baby had been living in the hospital for three months because the mother got sick and her milk stopped. So when the earthquake hit she got him and brought him to bohoc. We took him back to HAFF(Haitian American Friendship Foundation) and fed him milk with sugar--that’s how he likes it! and something along the lines of grits, I don’t remember the name. I held him and rocked him and before long he had perked right up! He was not as lethargic and was checking out everything! When we took him back to his house we gave instructions along with food to make sure they worked on re-hydrating and feeding him properly. We also talked to them about the importance of just loving on him and rocking him. The family was very excited to play a part in taking care of this baby. Even still, handing him back and walking away was one of the toughest things I had to do. But of course it brought about even more revelation about how God is working through this. If that baby had continued to live in that hospital, he would have likely died of malnourishment. But because of this earthquake, that baby got to a place with family who will love and hold him, and resources right down the road which will make sure he has food and milk. God is showing us daily that He truly brings beauty for ashes.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Up to Speed

For anyone who is looking here for information about what is going on, I am so sorry- power has been so limited that I have only been putting small updates on facebook. Hopefully the power situation will be different soon and I will be able to share all that I am seeing and that God is doing. For better information as of now-- please look at To give some brief info-- It was such a God thing that I was able to get into the country. I am up in the central plateau, where there was no real damage from the earthquake but where we are receiving refugees by the truck load. We are praying that they can be absorbed into the community here and that the resources here will be able to provide for them. The people I am working with have been taking trucks into port to bring people out. We have done clinic for two days- taking care of people here to comfort them and seeing some people from Port. One of the orphans here, Belinda, had a seizure and we rushed her to the hospital. Please pray for her that they figure out what is going on. I will tell you more about her and another little boy, that came from Port who we got a chance to love on later. There is so much and time is limited but please know that Haiti NEEDS your prayers. There is so much pain and hurt, But I see God working through it all with every step. That is one thing that I am so blessed to see- on the news you probably see all the destruction but I don't know if you get to see the way people are pulling together and the way God is moving in such a huge way. I hope to get to share that with you soon. I love you all so much and I am so blessed to have support from the States helping me do what I am getting to do.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Earthquake in Haiti

Lord, my hands and feet are useless right now. I can't comfort anyone who can't find a loved one, or provide medical care to anyone who is injured. I can't physically do anything for the people of Haiti right this moment. But what I can do is lift them up to you. Lord you are the Author and Creator, and these are your children. Please Lord take care of these children in this even more horrific time of need. Lord I pray your provision during this time. Please shower them with your comfort, peace, strength, endurance, mercy and love. Lord please help the people in the middle of this earthquake. Help them to find their families, get care for the injured, and help us know how we can help. Lord you are bigger than all of this, I know you will bring good out of this some how. Lord please wrap your arms around this whole country.