Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Up to Speed

For anyone who is looking here for information about what is going on, I am so sorry- power has been so limited that I have only been putting small updates on facebook. Hopefully the power situation will be different soon and I will be able to share all that I am seeing and that God is doing. For better information as of now-- please look at muchministries.org. To give some brief info-- It was such a God thing that I was able to get into the country. I am up in the central plateau, where there was no real damage from the earthquake but where we are receiving refugees by the truck load. We are praying that they can be absorbed into the community here and that the resources here will be able to provide for them. The people I am working with have been taking trucks into port to bring people out. We have done clinic for two days- taking care of people here to comfort them and seeing some people from Port. One of the orphans here, Belinda, had a seizure and we rushed her to the hospital. Please pray for her that they figure out what is going on. I will tell you more about her and another little boy, that came from Port who we got a chance to love on later. There is so much and time is limited but please know that Haiti NEEDS your prayers. There is so much pain and hurt, But I see God working through it all with every step. That is one thing that I am so blessed to see- on the news you probably see all the destruction but I don't know if you get to see the way people are pulling together and the way God is moving in such a huge way. I hope to get to share that with you soon. I love you all so much and I am so blessed to have support from the States helping me do what I am getting to do.


  1. Praise God! I love you and am so proud of you. You are constantly in our prayers. We lift you and the area up at church. Thank you for taking the time to keep us updated. Know that we are thinking and praying for you. I know God has given you do many great gifts that he has prepared you for all you are doing!

  2. I love that you brought up the news and how they aren't reporting everything... it's true. People everywhere are coming together for Haiti... it's a beautiful thing. I'm so happy God is using you there. You are exactly where you are supposed to be. I love you and I'm praying for you!

