Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Where do you draw the line between honor your father and mother, and protect yourself from your father or mother?? This is one that has plagued me since I got here. In the states I thought the answer was easy- you abuse your kid we do everything we can to get the kid out and you go to jail. But here? Where would I put all the children from my school alone whose parents mistreat them? I work with the parents, I try to show them another way, but what do you tell a child? What to I say to a young man I find sleeping on my porch because his mama came at him with a knife? Lord please give me wisdom.


  1. Wow honey:( I have never read this. No wonder you have little time to chit chat on facebook. This is 3 years old. I notice there are no comments, it is a shame your supporters don't get to see what you write or use to write :) I guess we Blogging became like email when FB came along. Or where they both available at the same time? Can't remember....I love you and I am thinking about you today on 1st Graduating class. What an great think to be happening in your neighborhood. You have definitely seen it all from beginning till now.
