Saturday, February 6, 2010

On the move

I moved to Haiti today. Before today, I have been visiting in Bohoc and in Port Au Prince, but today I came to Gonaives. Well, I guess I still haven’t really moved to Haiti because I have not moved into my place at the school. But I have come to my destination city!! Things have calmed down a little in Port, at least in the areas I was serving. The medical needs are for the most part back to “normal” except for the long term treatments that are needed for some earthquake injuries. Praise the Lord we are still seeing medical teams come in and help and treat and love on these people so we decided it was time that I come to Jubilee and get started here. God’s timing is so perfect- I was beginning not to know my next step, or how I could continue only giving short term care- then at that same time the need came for me to get to the school here. We have lost one of our teachers so Mr. Watson has been trying to handle things all on his own. So Monday morning I will have my first day of class!!! The timing is also perfect because the longer I am here the more I see the change I want to be a part of here. I have absolutely loved getting to care for these people’s needs and injuries, and love on them that way, but the issues I see cut far deeper than any falling block could cause. These people need to know that there is another way to live. Not one that is focused on personal survival, but on living out the love that I see is in their hearts. I can’t think of a better way to spend my time than training up children in a way that teaches that love, not power is the greatest thing of all. Just as I have been realizing that my culture has been feeding me lies that I have thought I had to follow, the Haitian people are dealing with that as well. God is bringing revival to this place!!!! I am so excited that He is letting me get to see it and be a part of it!!!

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