Thursday, February 4, 2010

day by day

Each day brings new challenges, new victories, but also new sorrows. Yesterday at six in the morning three people came to tell me that the pregnant woman I saw yesterday was not doing well. I had explained numerous times to them that -- I don't know nothin about birthin no babies!!!--- But despite my urgings, they had not come up with a plan for when the baby started to come. So we put her in the back of the truck and as I held her belly still over bumps and turns I tried to think of anything I could remember about delivering babies in case this baby came before we got the the hospital. Thankfully we got to the hospital and got her back to the "delivery room" but only one person could be with her. I left and went about my day, when I returned home that evening the family ushered me to the tent where she is sleeping and showed me the beautiful baby boy. However, my heart was broken to find out that his brother had passed away. Twins. Victories and sorrows.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful Laura, you are truly doing God's work. He has given you what all good nurses possess: carry you through and be able to function efficiently. As you know, it's afterwards that it hits you, but thankfully, most of the time you can appreciate the good that was done. He will carry you through when someone cannot be helped.
    Take good care of yourself!! You won't be able to give your best if you aren't in the best health possible!
    Much love,
    C. E.
